Learn more about investment terms with Matis

Club-Deal Structure

Investment vehicle
Simplified joint-stock company
Convertible bonds
Investment target time
24 months (early exit possible depending on resale opportunity - max. 5 years)
Structuration fees
Advisory/insurance/logistics fees etc.
during the investment lifetime
Carried interest (% of profit retained from MATIS HOLDING as performance incentive compensation)

Investment Scheme

The fees between the auction house's final bid price and the amount proposed for subscription on all club deals include:
  • transportation cost;

  • condition report and expert appraisal fees;

  • definitive import fees;

  • restoration and framing fees when necessary;

  • artist's resale rights when applicable;

  • insurance fees;

  • currency risk coverage fees for purchases in currencies other than the euro;

  • structuring and advisory fees on the artwork's valuation.

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