From acquisition to sale : discover more about Matis's investment strategy
Buying phase: the added value is secured at acquisition
Seizing Opportunities in Auction Sales
The auction market is not efficient. From this observation, Matis monitors and follows all contemporary art auction sales, positioning ourselves as the sole bidder on certain lots.
Seizing Opportunities in Private Sales
Our ability to finance the artworks quickly as our network of partner merchants allow us to access confidential acquisition opportunities on artworks that are rarely exposed.
Supporting Partner Galleries in Financing Their Artworks
The art market has very little debt, placing some gallery owners in a position where they cannot buy certain artworks themselves that they would like to present to their collectors. Matis assists them in acquiring and financing their inventory.
Selling phase : Replacing the artwork at its market value

Entrusting our artworks to the world's leading galleries
Selling is a key business in the art market. Matis entrusts the artworks to galleries specializing in the artist in question, capable of placing a work in front of the right collector, at its market value.
Matis collaborates with leading contemporary art galleries in Europe, the United States, Asia, and the Middle East.
Relying on market comparables
The artworks targeted by Matis are those of artists whose production is serial and established. We compare market values of works from the same series to define a maximum acquisition price and secure our sale's added value.
Supporting our partner galleries in financing their artworks
The world's leading galleries have little access to debt and currently carry most of their work on their balance sheet. Matis assists them by allowing them to expand their offer at lower costs and become more desirable to their collector clients.
We would be delighted to answer your questions, if we haven't already done so here
Matis structures and offers clubdeals dedicated to investments in contemporary art. The company identifies strong trends in the art market to invest in works by the most important artists of the 20th century. Through the issuance of convertible bonds into shares, Matis allows private investors to co-invest in acquisition opportunities usually reserved for art market professionals. The company has a license issued by the Financial Markets Authority, enabling it to offer its investment opportunities throughout Europe. Matis also works with art galleries specializing in the targeted artists, to whom it entrusts the acquired works for resale, aiming for a non-guaranteed target horizon of 2 years.
A club deal is a method of collective financing where several private investors raise funds to finance a large-scale project. It can be a stock market, real estate, or artistic operation. In art, the club deal is specific to a given work and relies on a dedicatedl egal structure. The investment can be made through the acquisition of shares or bonds. In Matis' case, the instruments used are convertible bonds into shares. Investors can realize a capital gain (not guaranteed) on the resale of the work, targeting a horizon of two years.
Investing in contemporary art carries a risk of financial loss and illiquidity if we are unable to sell our work at a fair market value.
Investing in our club deals implies acceptance of these risks by our investors.
We target an investment horizon ranging from 6 to 36 months for our various works. 80% of the works on our market are sold within two years after their consignment in a gallery, and we anticipate selling our works within this timeframe. However, the sale of our works depends on the interest of collectors, and we cannot commit to a specific sale horizon. In case of failure to sell within 5 years, your securities can be converted at a 1:1 rate by a simple majority decision of the bond holders. This mechanism allows for the re-appropriation of the work and forces its sale at auction, but it is not a guarantee of liquidity.
The artistic movements targeted by Matis are as follows:
- Modern art, created by artists from the first half of the 20th century;
- Contemporary art, created by artists after 1945.
These two artistic movements account for nearly 80% of the global art market exchanges. In its acquisition strategy, Matis thus prioritizes works created by emblematic artists of the 20th century due to the dominance of these two artistic trends, a guarantee of liquidity and dynamism in the art market.
The non-fungible token (NFT) is a certificate behind which a digital work is authenticated via the NFT. Matis does not intend to invest in digital works as they represent a recent trend in the art market, emerging from the 1990s. Instead, Matis proposes to invest in physical works, created by major 20th-century artists, recognized by museum institutions, purchased by collectors, and promoted by international galleries.Their artistic production spans the 20th century, and it is possible to precisely measure the volume and evolution of the sale/resale value of their works over several decades, beyond ephemeral trends.
Matis proposes to invest in works by major 20th-century artists, recognized by the world's leading museums, promoted by leading galleries, and with a broad collector base worldwide. These are so-called "blue chip" artists, whose work value often exceeds hundreds of thousands of euros, making them hardly accessible to most investors. Among the targeted artists, we can cite Yayoi Kusama, Andy Warhol, Yves Klein, or François-Xavier Lalanne. These artists have profoundly marked the history of art; their available works on the market are diminishing while their value increases, creating a scarcity effect.
Matis defines the major current and future trends of the art market and focuses its analysis on the 100 most fundamental artists of the 20th century. Matis then sources its works from art market professionals, such as galleries, dealers, and auction companies.Through this privileged network, our team identifies works we consider undervalued and acquire them. The works are selected for their ability to be quickly resold through major international galleries, specialists in the concerned artist, within a target horizon of two years, and are purchased only after validation by an acquisition committee.
Matis consigns its works to leading galleries, specialists in the concerned artist, capable of promoting the work and valuing it to resell it under the best market conditions. Matis thus collaborates with the world's leading modern and contemporary art galleries (in Europe, the United States, Asia, and the Middle East).
Artworks selected by Matis for investment are insured from their acquisition to their sale, against theft or destruction.